peace lilyFrom multiple illness sufferers to becoming someone who enjoys her life to the fullest! Here is the testimonial from Sarah Westbury:


"I started treatment with Dr Zhou in 2018.
At the time I was taking 20 tablets a day, and that was for a “good” day.  On a bad day I needed to take Dihydrocodeine along with all of my other drugs.  When I went to my GP for a repeat prescription I was told, “we can’t prescribe this again, you should never have had it.  You are on too much of a cocktail of drugs.  You just need to face this is your life and find a way to deal with the pain”. It was the only thing that helped.  That was as hard as being told I was “lucky” to have a Fibromyalgia diagnosis as some people would say it was all in my head.  I got zero help other than tablets, nerve blockers, several painkillers, pills to protect my stomach, and anaesthetic suppositories.

Well, I did what she said and found something that made life more tolerable.  Dr Zhou has been able to make life bearable.  I’ve stopped most of those 20 tablets a day.  Dr Zhou has listened to how I feel, been able to diagnose and treat Sciatica, which is now mostly under control and wasn’t diagnosed by the NHS.  My nerve pain is tolerable – I can brush my hair most days without pain as an example.  He has been able to help my feet to retain heat more (I have Raynaud’s disease), he has helped my IBS, which I have had since I was a teenager (in 2023 I’m 45), again now it’s the odd times I get stomach problems rather than every day.  I was diagnosed with Fibroids and Endometrial Hyperplasia pre 2018.  In my most recent scan, they couldn’t detect either!

I now feel like I have an answer to managing pain, and help when I get a chronic pain attack.  Acupuncture, cupping, massage and reflexology really helps me.  I was very anxious to try the acupuncture but it isn’t as bad as you imagine.

Before Dr Zhou, I felt like I had to carry a card around with the 20+ diagnoses I have had to try and think whether what was happening was new or related to something I knew about already.  I don’t even know where that card is anymore, or what was on the list.  I feel like someone listens to what I experience and finds an answer to the problem.  I can’t remember many times of feeling like that anywhere else.  And I have tried many alternative medicines along with our NHS.

If I had a pound for every time some person walking past said do it, he’s brilliant when I’m waiting for Dr Zhou to finish his last patient, I would be a very happy person.  And even more for every time I had said it to someone else."


Testimonial 5

From multiple illness sufferers to becoming someone who enjoys her life to the fullest! Here is the testimonial from Sarah Westbury: "I started treatment with Dr ..."

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Testimonial 1

Testament of our treatment methods: Too old to have a baby? This lady is over 40 years old and had been suffering from infertility for years. After had gone through...

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Testimonial 2

Twin boys!

The parents of these twin boys came to seek our help after trying for many years to have children without success.



Testimonial 3

A little princess arrived thanks to our infertility treatment! This little girl is a total blessing to us all! Her parents had tried for babies for two years but didn't have...

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Testimonial 4

Regained the quality of life!
This note was sent by a patient who had cirrhosis of the liver. He had the condition for several years and deteriorated to ...

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